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Female Pelvic Pain & Sexual Dysfunction

Many women suffer silently with pelvic pains. Numerous studies show that the neuromuscular system is at fault and either a primary or secondary cause of female pelvic pain. Physical therapy plays a vital role in the treatment of pelvic pain. 

Pre and Postnatal Care

During and after pregnancy, your body goes through increased physical demands. This can lead to various pains throughout your body, weakness to the pelvic floor or core muscles and other dysfunctions. A PT can help with alignment, strength and coordination to improve balance to your body. 

Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Pelvic organ prolapse occurs when pelvic organs such as your bladder or uterus have dropped below their normal resting level. This can feel like pressure in your vagina or pelvis, may cause painful intercourse or a protrusion of tissue out of the vaginal opening. It may occur from heavy lifting, childbirth or excessive pressure in the abdomen such as during a coughing fit. 

Bowel & Bladder

Whether you suffer from bowel dysfunction such as constipation your pelvic floor muscles, dietary habits and even breathing patterns may be worsening your symptoms. 


Urinary leakage is common, but never normal. Incontinence may be either due to stresses such as coughing, laughing, sneezing or due to an increased urge. This is not a natural aging process or a consequence to live with post childbirth. 

Musculoskeletal Pains

The pelvic floor muscles, ligaments and joints are closely linked with your back, sacrum, tailbone and hips. Dysfunction to one area of the body often travels up or down the chain to affect another body part. If you are experiencing pains in neighboring structures, your pelvic floor may be part of the problem.

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